Before becoming a priest, one has to become a man first. The grace of the sacrament does not do away with our human nature. For this reason, the Community particularly ensures that its seminarians mature in all aspects of their person, and not just in a spiritual life which, if anything, could be disconnected from the real person.
The intense communal life is a great school of fraternal charity and human formation. In the love and truth received from God, but also in the vigour of virile and sometimes clumsy relationships, each one is revealed to himself by his brothers, and is invited to live no longer for himself, but for others, in a spirit of humility. Obedience to superiors, discipline of life, spirit of service (the seminarians take care of all the house of formation’s upkeep, from cleaning to accounting, laundry, IT, etc.) are also important dimensions of discernment and priestly formation.
The affective and psychological dimensions of the person are also part of the Formation Advisors’ concerns and are subjects that are frequently and deeply discussed.