Why the community life?

Life together for the others! That is what the members of the Community of Saint Martin get down to every day.

la charité fraternelle : une force pour le ministère

But why take up the challenge? The key of the charisme of the community life is found in the mission that Jesus has entrusted to the disciples. The proclamation of the Kingdom is made two by two (Mt 10), and the best « motor » of the evangelization is the mutual love: « It is by your love for one another, that everyone will recognise you as my disciples. » (Jn 13, 35).

In this school and at the call of the Second Vatican Council, the Community of Saint Martin finds in the community life a place and a means of human development of the person, but also a testimony of the fraternal charity and of its members’ union with God. It is in this way that it becomes a force in order to perform the ministry and a support for the missionary momentum.

The life of the Community of Saint Martin is organized around the apostolate. Thus, the priests and deacons of the community are dispatched in groups by three to five in the ministries that are entrusted to them. Placed under the responsibility of one of them, they form a true community of life of which the heart is the daily Mass. They want to testify of their love for Christ by their common mission and their shared life. Living in the same place, they share their meals and their joys, their preoccupations and their faith!

la liturgie – cœur de la vie commune